Welcome to my own little corner of the internet, Hand and Homemade!

“She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands.” Proverbs 31:13
I want to start off by saying Hand and Homemade has been YEARS in the making.. YEARS. Yes- I know that’s probably hard to believe. However, if you were to ask anyone who knows me personally, you would learn I have talked about starting a blog for years. But, every time I tried to sit down and start, I would let fear and doubt creep in.. What would people think of me? Would they make fun? Would they say this is some silly idea? Am I starting this too late? Do I even have thoughts or ideas worth sharing?..
Recently, God has been pressing on my heart for me to start this blog, and well… here I am.
I will be the first to tell you that I am not a writer by any means- I am sure there will be many typos and mistakes along the way. Yet, I feel led to begin this journey with this blog, and I hope you stick around to learn how to cultivate a slow and steady lifestyle with me.
“Aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you..” 1 Thess. 4:11
Hand and Homemade
Being raised in a rural part of Mississippi doesn’t guarantee a slower pace of life. Yes- it is a much slower lifestyle than living in a big city. However, over the years, I have realized that regardless of where you live, most people, including myself, are always running towards the next big season or step in life.
I went straight to university out of high school. Then, I married, pursued grad school, started my career, and bought a home. I remember thinking to myself after we purchased our home- now what? Do I press on to the next season of life? Or stay where I am and just be present?
I often look back and think of all the times I longed for the next season of my life, somehow believing the next season would be better than where I was at. And it is true- some seasons have been sweeter and kinder to me than others. However, there are so many moments and times I wish I could go back and tell myself to slow down and simply be present- to enjoy the simple day to day activities because that season will be gone before you know it and you can’t get it back. And that there is joy and happiness to be found and celebrated in each season, regardless of how stressful or sorrowful it may seem.
That’s why I am creating this blog.. I want it to be a catalog of slower living and present moments (1 Thess. 4:11). A lifestyle of sustainable choices and homesteading. Learning how to work willingly with my hands (Proverbs 31:13) and create a lifegiving home. Establishing a place where people feel like they belong and are inspired and encouraged to become rooted in scripture and home.
So.. if you carry a similar burden on your heart, please stay awhile. Learn and grow with me as God shapes and molds my heart and home throughout the different seasons of life to come.

To learn more about Haley, click here. Or, check out the YouTube channel and Pinterest.